Download: Dynamic Pricing Per Product for WooCommerce Free Nulled

Preview: Dynamic Pricing Per Product for WooCommerce

Create Dynamic Pricing Per Product for WooCommerce based on product quantity, category, user roles, payment gateway. Choose discount type
fixed or percentage base.

Plugin is used to create dynamic pricing for WooCommerce products based on below rules.

Key Feature of Dynamic Pricing Per Product for WooCommerce

  • Option to Enable or disable dynamic pricing per product
  • Option to set dynamic pricing based on categories.
  • Option to set dynamic pricing based on user roles.
  • Option to set dynamic pricing based on payment gateway.
  • Option to set dynamic pricing based on quantity.
  • Option to set dynamic pricing fixed or percentage wise.

Benefits of Dynamic Pricing Per Product for WooCommerce

  • Improve your customer’s experience.
  • Set special discount for particular product if user buy from specific cetegories.
  • Set special discount for particular product if user has specific user role.
  • Set special discount for particular product if user selects specific payment method during checkout.
  • Set special discount for particular product if user purchase product with specific quantity.
  • You can give either fixed discount or in percetage base discount to product.

How calculation works

All calculation will be calculated based on regular price or on sale price if it is already set.

Rules you set is working based on “AND” condition.

For example:
Product Price = 20$
Discount type = fixed
Discount Price = 3
Rules you set
User role: administrator, customer
Payment gatewy: COD
Mininum quantity: 5

Product Price will be 17$ only if
User has either administrator role or customer role

User selects COD payment method during checkout

User purchase product with minimum quanity 5


How to set dynamic price

Plugin in Action

Support Contact
Email: [email protected]
Skype: wpcodelibrary


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Download Dynamic Pricing Per Product for WooCommerce

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