Download: Elite Licenser- Software License Manager Free Nulled

Preview: Elite Licenser- Software License Manager

Elite Licenser
is a WordPress software license manager plugin for any type of product licensing. It helps to manage product updates, license code auto generation, built in Envato licensing verification system, full license control and a licensing system can be added into your WordPress plugins or themes without any prior programming knowledge.
Simply you can do with DRAG AND DROP system. This license manager’s full sets of API will help you to handle it by other applications as well. One app will handle the licenses of all your products. You can handle it by any language (PHP, .Net, Java, Android, etc.).
Also this license manager will provide to add licensing to more than one WordPress plugin or theme and it can be installed on same WordPress.

Key Features​

  • Generate license automatically on product purchase.
  • One license manager plugin for any type of product.
  • Provide automatic product update to your customer.
  • Control your license usages. (no.of website, no. of times)
  • Track your license usages. (no.of website, no. of times)
  • It has full set of API, you can use it any application
  • 3rd party Integration enabled ( Envato, WooCommerce, FastSpring,Paddle )
  • Generate sample codes of complete WordPress plugins and themes

  • Generate sample codes of PHP Web App,,, etc

  • Drag n Drop licensing for WordPress theme & Plugin (Zero Coding)
  • Create custom license type & maintain support and expire time

  • Auto host ban

  • Remove license from user’s application any time

  • Export license keys & clients list as CSV

Manage Product Update Easily

Do you have WooCommecre Site?

It has also an addon for WooCommerce

It is also supported by

along with other payment gateways

Demo Site Infomation



Click Here To View FAQ

Change Log

+ Added renew link input box
+ Product base license check on update option
+ Auto support date update for envato renewal 
+ Added dashboard report
^ Fixed minor bugs

+ Added new exciting feature , WordPress auto integration 
+ Added code generation for
+ Added code generation for
^ Fixed some minor issue

+ Added Unlimited support type
^ You can display update notification to plugin but in automatic update unavailable status for non active or expired support  license.

+ Added Remove and Accept Button on active domain list.
+ Added Max Domain field in license edit form
^ Update base file generation. (Please update your products base file)

+ Added an option in settings page to enable license and support expiry check on update checking.
^ Fixed update bug

+ Added and change API for WooCommerce Addons
^ Fixed some minor issue

+ Added FastSpring In integration module
^ Update API for add new license, now supports quantity in new license api.
^ Update WordPress code generation module, use latest base code.

^ Fixed API new license creation unwanted notice bug

^ Fixed code generation bug

^ Update envato support date into license data on new envato license
^ Added  email address on license check form

^ fixed some minor bug

^ fixed client table creation bug

^ Update some modules

^ Fixed a minor bug

Download Elite Licenser- Software License Manager Nulled

Download Elite Licenser- Software License Manager

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